Sam's ShortTakes Unlimited: July 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

another day...

after 143 posts later...i am still here...ready once more to vent out (hehe), reach out and redo my seemingly unstoppable de-cluttering of my all-too endless (jokin') doodles via the worldwide web.

so, how are you dear bloggers? to all those who happen to pass by this blog: you are always welcome to browse, leave your comments and just share what you think about the many topics i sometimes, also ponder upon.

like next week, the world will once again look at my country with all kinds of emotions: praise, pride, happyness and some may have negative notions as how real Filipinism is shown by the masa or the common tao.

as such, i am hoping that there won't be much upheaval, riots, dispersal, threats to humanity like: racism, prejudice and other harmful notes that may bespeak of being unwise, unhappy, filled with injustice...

as such, too, i am hopeful that my country and its people, ruling politicos included, will remain humble, humane and always patient amidst all the turmoil that may be brewing unseen by the naked eye, yet felt by the unspoken ideologies that, some may try to turn a blind eye...once more...

have a happy weekend!
