Sam's ShortTakes Unlimited: Just Another Friday Night...NOT!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Just Another Friday Night...NOT!

There's a storm brewing within the Philippines' Area of Responsibility (PAR). Indeed, the words "calm before the storm" really holds true tonight. Some areas here may already be experiencing heavy rains, wind gustiness, no electricity, flooding in low-lying areas, flash floods or evacuation. In Naga City, altho we are on Signal Number 3, it's still relatively calm and peaceful. Slightly windy, no downpour yet. It's silent outside, coupled with a starless dark sky.

I've kept myself updated on Typhoon Frank - via the radio, news and internet. Being such a sucker for information (even info overload if needed), I get immense satisfaction to know a bit of anything that's important (or not so important). Weather satellite tracks, reports, coordinates, etc. Knowledge is power because in times like these, staying informed is key.

I'm praying that this typhoon move away and hit the Pacific Ocean instead. Then, my country will be spared from its dire consequences.

My Happier Take Tonight: Boston Celtics is this year's NBA Champ! Hopefully, rooting for the Celtics won't be counted as disloyalty to the Rockets. I'm a "Rockets Girl Forever", eventhough they were unable to make it to the finals. My cheers during the best of seven games focused on the Celtics because of a fun bet with my fave YM person. Naturally, I won our bet. It was a fun victory, made more so because he's such a good sport. Yep, the season may be over as this year's Big Three made their own mark in NBA history.

As for me, after winning the bet - it's just like having homecourt advantage.


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