Sam's ShortTakes Unlimited: June 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Just Another Friday Night...NOT!

There's a storm brewing within the Philippines' Area of Responsibility (PAR). Indeed, the words "calm before the storm" really holds true tonight. Some areas here may already be experiencing heavy rains, wind gustiness, no electricity, flooding in low-lying areas, flash floods or evacuation. In Naga City, altho we are on Signal Number 3, it's still relatively calm and peaceful. Slightly windy, no downpour yet. It's silent outside, coupled with a starless dark sky.

I've kept myself updated on Typhoon Frank - via the radio, news and internet. Being such a sucker for information (even info overload if needed), I get immense satisfaction to know a bit of anything that's important (or not so important). Weather satellite tracks, reports, coordinates, etc. Knowledge is power because in times like these, staying informed is key.

I'm praying that this typhoon move away and hit the Pacific Ocean instead. Then, my country will be spared from its dire consequences.

My Happier Take Tonight: Boston Celtics is this year's NBA Champ! Hopefully, rooting for the Celtics won't be counted as disloyalty to the Rockets. I'm a "Rockets Girl Forever", eventhough they were unable to make it to the finals. My cheers during the best of seven games focused on the Celtics because of a fun bet with my fave YM person. Naturally, I won our bet. It was a fun victory, made more so because he's such a good sport. Yep, the season may be over as this year's Big Three made their own mark in NBA history.

As for me, after winning the bet - it's just like having homecourt advantage.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

It's been busy, hectic, fast, and urgent - all throughout my work week. Been all over the place, running around, doing errands, meeting deadlines, updating records, and dealing with paperwork. Trying so hard to stay afloat to avoid unnecessary backlog. No downtime either. Even after office hours, I still had to meet some bank people to get the documents needed for next day's work. Super proactive-ness? Yep, you could say that. Guess nothing could be worse than not being prepared. Except for the expected body aches and pains at the end of each working day.

The past days did not hold much promise to my personal life. Bleak long nights. Uneasy slumber. Troubled thoughts. Empty dreams. Numbness in my heart. Unexplained tiredness. Only prayers gave me solace, each time.

And then...
Today, oh happy Friday June 6, 2008, my life did a 360.
Woohoo! Oh, happy Friday! TGIF!

I was able to accomplish most of the work goals I've set for myself this week.

Saw my college guidance counselor and teacher at a bookstore. Bit of chitchat there.

Had fun with one of our liaison officers by way of translating Tagalog fruit names into English.

Renewed smart tech/playtime with JM, the now-4th grade student that will I tutor again after work starting Tuesday next week.

Happenstance, too. A mobile phone was left by our legal adviser, near my work station. It was ringing off the hook, so loud! I just had to take the call. When I flipped it open, I saw a very familiar name on the screen. Hey, I know this guy! My high school batchmate who's now an ENT. He was so surprised because I was at the other end. As if we do not bump into each other often - at the doctors' clinics, at the grocery, at some hangout place, wherever. Naga is such a compact city afterall that's why I see him almost all the time. He's either alone or with his girlfriend. After a few minutes, our legal adviser was back at the office. I told her that Dr. McDreamy of Naga called. Let's just leave it at that. I'm not privy to any other info on the matter. While I was trying to send him a text message, he was also trying to call me. Just had to take his call again for the 2nd time today. Funny thing - his call and my text had exactly the same intent: to let him know if and when our legal adviser is available for him to call. See? That's how high school batchmates should be, even finishing each other's sentences via hitech. Cool.

(Aside: With apologies to Dr. McDreamy of Naga - for any hassle or inconvenience this post may have caused.)

A bit before 5pm, my fave YM guy sent me his greeting with a smiley. Altho we just had a very brief online conversation, I just had to grin to myself again. Even after almost a week of not being able to chat with him, it's quite understandable. Our sked may never jive all the time because of work or other previous appointment. Just had to make the most out of any online chance I have with him. Which is good enough for me, at least for now.

After work, I went on a desk hunt. A friend of mine whose daughter's now in kindergarten has asked me for a favor: to help him look for a pink or green-colored armchair for his kid. My search brought me to all the possible stores downtown, but no pink or green-colored armchair turned up! I didn't even see a packet of long jos or incense sticks either. Sad but still tolerable.

Now with approx 30 minutes to go before this Friday ends, I'm still in a good mood. Even when my fave YM guy hasn't logged on yet (well, he just said earlier: "ok, i'll try" when asked if we can meet online later tonight), it's not a reason to feel bad. There's still another day, another night or another weekend for everything.

I'm just being thankful for the moments.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008


It's the first week of June already. So many things to do, so little time. But, a little perspective on what's really important, may strike a balance in one's daily duels. So how can you do a juggling act between personal or interpersonal? Work or fun? Your self or your significant person? Family or career? Is it love or just hormones? Stay stupid or be in the know? Guess all those questions are self-explanatory.

Here goes my midyear take:
At work, I will always aim to do my best. I'll hold on to my motto "It's always 100% every first time, all the time". Nothing wrong with setting good work standards for yourself, right? Simply focus on what needs to be done and minding your own business (without messing up others') may also apply at the homefront.

Still got a long way to go before my first billion, hehe. But I'm taking baby steps towards achieving my financial freedom. Saving for my rainy days and Mondays. Paying myself first by maintaining a savings plan. Not being so fond of shopping has its perks too. No impractical buys, just bare necessities. I'll just take pleasure in buying groceries any given Thursday.

I'm not entirely closing my eyes on the possibility of ever being with my special guy. Still, the chance of meeting him or not still hangs. Is he even out there? Am I here for him? Will he see me in his eyes? Can I bring a smile on his face? Is it just wham-bam-sayonara? Or will fate bring us together? If nothing happens between us in real life, maybe somewhere along life's busy highway - we will zero in on each other and really say "Hi (insert name)" face-to-face. And seal that very first meeting with a hug and a kiss (not necessarily in that order).

Who can tell? I may be a June bride or be on a honeymoon in December with him (there's no name or year indicated here). Be married, have a good husband, have kids and a nice home. But staying single is another option that I'm preparing myself for. Not by chance but by choice. If my future life partner or husband bails out on me by not showing up, ditching me or whatever, that will be his decision and his alone. If being without me is his happiness, I will never stand in his way. I am also open to adoption. That way, I may be able to care for someone else's bundle of joy.

I hope to broaden my horizons in the coming days/months/years by: being a good writer (for BicolHomepage and my blogs), volunteering again (keeping my fingers crossed!), travel to Cambodia (keeping my fingers crossed some more!), finish my Masters, learn a new language, have my own coffee shop and make use of my professional teacher's license (I'm still practicing by being a tutor after office hours).

Six months to go and counting!



Some pictures to show the foodie in me! (Stay tuned for more of these!)

Angel hair pasta with garlic bread (Burgoo)

Raspberry shake (Starbucks)

Strawberry Milkshake

Daquiri (Steak Avenue)

Angus Beef Steak (Burgoo)

Cheeseburger & Fries

Fries Platter (Bob Marlin)

Ice Tea (Alessandra's)

Cheese Pizza (Sbarro)

Fresh Ceasar Salad (Sbarro)

Spinach & Mushroom Pizza (Sbarro)

Brocolli & Black Olives Pizza (Sbarro)

Sizzling Potatoes (Steak Avenue)

Homemade Pancakes (made by my little nieces!)

Pandesal (Atlantic Bakery)

Caramel Popcorn (Chef Tony's)

More Pizza Slices (Sbarro)

Blueberry Cheesecake (Sbarro)

Mixed Veggies with Cashew (Kowloon)

French Fries (Napoli Pizzeria)

New England Pizza

Wham Cheeseburger (Whamburgers)

Buchi (Kowloon)

Clubhouse Sandwich (The Coffee Beanery)

Ham with Glaze (Cooked by me)

Chocolate Birthday Cake...or what's left of it

Coffee O and Iced Tea (Kopiroti)

Chocolate Cupcakes with Sprinkles (I baked these)
